Matrix Diagram

What is a Matrix diagram?

→ A matrix diagram is used for analyzing and displaying the relationship between different data sets.

→ It is a very useful Management and Planning Tool also this tool is a part of New 7 QC Tools.

→ We can use this tool for showing the relationship between different two, three, or four group's data.

→ Sometimes the relationship between the things are very complex (specifically in the many to many comparisons) and we need to think in multiple dimension at that time the Matrix_Diagram is a perfect choice.

→ This tool is used to understand the relationship between different parameters and characteristics.

→ Basically, this tool is a table that allows us to compare different sets of data, and based on that we can take the appropriate decision.

→ We can use this tool as a part of decision-making tools like Quality Function Deployment and Cause and Effect Matrix.

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When to Use Matrix Diagram

→ It is used to understand the relationship between (1) Problems and solutions, and (2) Cause and Effects.

→ We can use to check the requirements are matched with specifications or not?

→ Comparing the consequence of alternative solutions.

→ It is used to identify opportunities for improvement.

→ We can use this tool for assigning responsibilities based on personnel skills and knowledge and also used for the analysis of Characteristics, Specifications & Features, Functions, & Tasks, Ideas & Solutions, etc...

Different types of Matrix Diagrams

→ The different types are mentioned below. It is classified based on the shape of the_diagram.

  • L-type
  • T-type
  • Y-type
  • X-type
  • C-type
  • QFD Type (Quality Function Deployment)

How to Select the Matrix Diagram Type?

→ We can see the summary in the below picture of which type of Matrix_Diagram we need to use at the time of our analysis.

→ This method is totally dependent based on the group of information that we have.

How to Select the Matrix Diagram Type

→  We can use an L-shaped_matrix for comparing two_groups of items to each other (or one group to itself).

→  The T-shaped_matrix is used to compare when we have three_groups of items and the comparing pattern is like groups B and C both are related to group A. But the groups B and C are not related to each other.

→  A Y-shaped_matrix is used to compare three_groups of items when each group is related to the other two in a circular pattern.

→  The C-shaped_matrix is used to compare when we have three groups of items and all 3 groups_need to compare together simultaneously, in 3D.

→  An X-shaped_matrix is used to compare the four groups of items available and the comparing patterns are like each group is related to the other two groups in a circular pattern not in a random pattern.

→  Generally, a roof-shaped_matrix is used to compare the one group of items to itself, and also it is usually used along with an L- or T-shaped_matrix.

How to make a Matrix Diagram?

→  The process for constructing a Matrix_Diagram is explained below in very easy Six Steps.

  1. Define the Purpose
  2. Form a Team
  3. Prepare the List of Matrix and Identify the Relationship
  4. Select the Matrix_Type
  5. Identify, Discuss and Conclude the Relationships
  6. Final Conclusion
How to make a Matrix Diagram

STEP 1: Define the Purpose

→ In the first step of the matrix_diagram, we need to decide the purpose or the objective of this.

→ That means we need to be very clear about what kind of details we need to analyze.

STEP 2: Form a Team

→ After defining the purpose of the Matrix_diagram form a team for further activity.

STEP 3: Prepare the List of Matrix and Identify the Relationship

→ After team formation, now we need to identify the various list of the_matrix for data analysis.

→ We can create this list with the help of the team and brainstorming tool.

→ Also, we need to understand the relationships between the lists.

STEP 4: Select the Matrix_Type

→ Now based on the lists of_matrix and relationships of data we need to select the matrix_types as mentioned in the above table.

→ As per the Matrix_type perform a further activity for placing various lists of data into the selected_matrix.

STEP 5: Identify, Discuss and Conclude the Relationships

→ This step is the most important step of this tool.

→ In this step, we need to identify, discuss with the team, and finally conclude the relationship between the lists of the_matrix.

→ For this step, if require then also we need to perform the validation activity as per the relationship.

→ We can use the Scatter Diagram Method for validation purposes.

STEP 6: Final Conclusion

→ After completing the all above 5 steps, in the last step, we need to close this activity by sharing the final conclusion of the defined purpose with the team.

→ Once the Matrix_Diagram completed then it should be reviewed against that the purpose that we have decided in the very first step.

Example and Case Study of Matrix Diagram

→ Out of different types of matrix_diagram, we will discuss here the L-Shaped, T-Shaped, and X-Shaped_Diagram

Example of L-Shaped Matrix Diagram

→  We can use an L-shaped_matrix for comparing two groups of items to each other (or one group to itself).

→ An L-shaped_matrix diagram can compare two lists of groups.

→ This diagram can form an upside-down L shape so it is called as an L-shaped Matrix_Diagram.

→ This is the most basic, very popular, and most used_diagram.

→ In this diagram, a two-dimensional table is used to represent the data sets. Data sets are shown in the below picture.

→ Also in the below picture, we can see the relation between the data available in set 1 and set 2.

→ As normal, we can show the relationship between set 1 and set 2 data with the help of an arrow.

→ So, we can easily see the L- Shaped Matrix_Diagram in the below picture. It is a very easy diagram to use.

→ For making the L shape_diagram, we need to arrange the set 1 data on the left side in one column while the other set's data can be put into the top row as shown in the below picture.

Example of L shaped matrix diagram

→ Now we can use this diagram as a Prioritization Tool with the help of assigning numbers or symbols.

→ The numbers and symbols will show the strength of the relationship.

→ Assigned weighting can be used for prioritization and ranking.

→ Other information can be displayed including: (i) The totals and (ii) The overall strength of the relationship. 

L shaped matrix

Example of T-Shaped Matrix Diagram

→ The T-shaped_matrix is used to compare when we have three groups of items and the comparing pattern is like groups B and C both are related to group A.

→ But the groups B and C are not related to each other.

→ The T-type is effectively two L-types joined by a single list. It allows one list to be related to two others.

→ For a better understanding of the T-shaped Matrix_Diagram refer to the below template.

Example of T Shaped Matrix Diagram

Example of X-Shaped Matrix Diagram

→ The X-Shaped_Matrix is a combination of four L-type matrices.

→  We can use an X-shaped_matrix when we need to compare the four groups of items available and the comparing patterns are like each group is related to the other two groups in a circular pattern not in a random pattern.

→ For a better understanding of the X-shaped Matrix_Diagram refer to the below template.

Example of X shaped Matrix Diagram

Benefits of Matrix Diagram

→ It is a very effective tool for comparison of one to one or many to many.
→ It is very easy to understand and very easy to explain.
→ This tool can solve complex problems very quickly and easily.
→ We can use this tool for multi-purpose.

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