Accuracy vs Precision  Explained with Examples

Accuracy vs Precision

→ The difference between Accuracy and precision are explained below with various examples, both are similar-looking words but have a difference.


→ The Accuracy of a measurement system is the degree of closeness of measurements of a quantity to that quantity's actual (true) value.
→ In other words, it is how close a measured value is to the actual (true) value.
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→ The Precision of a measurement system is the degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results.
→ It is how close the measured values are to each other and it is related to Repeatability and Reproducibility in Measurement System Analysis (MSA).

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→ If you are a bowler in cricket then you throw the ball towards the stumps (wicket) and your all ball repeats the same pattern but you do not hit the wicket (stump) then you are precise but not accurate because your repetitiveness is very good but it is not hit the right target so it is not accurate.
→ We will take another example of football, If you are playing football and you are a good striker and always hit the right goalpost instead of scoring, in this case, you are not accurate, but you are precise!
→ For better understanding take one more example of a weighing balance in the lab, If we take measurements of the of a 500.0-gram standard weight and measure the weight on weighing scale A and get values of 475, 478, 476, 477, 475 gram instead of 500 gram, in that case, our weighing balance is precise, but not very accurate. Now we are measuring the same weight on weighing scale B and we get the values of 498, 500, 490, 485, 492 gram it is more accurate than the A balance but not precise.

→ Four different possibilities are mentioned in the below picture.

Four Possibilities of the Measurement System

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