What is Lean Manufacturing?

Lean Manufacturing

→ Lean is all about optimizing processes and eliminating waste.

→ By implementing this methodology we will become more efficient.

→ This is a Japanese concept; in this concept, we have to find waste in our process and cut it out, and the process will become lean.

→ It is a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous improvement in our process.

→ Lean is a culture, a philosophy, a mindset, a way of life.

Table of Contents:

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History of Lean Manufacturing:

→ It is a production methodology that focuses on minimizing waste.

→ Also it maximizes productivity.

→ Implementing a lean process and system, uses less of everything than traditional mass production.

⏩Examples of less consumption in the lean process are:

  • Less waste
  • Less human effort
  • Less manufacturing space
  • Less investment in tools
  • Less inventory
  • Less engineering time to develop a new product, etc.

→ It originated in the mid-20th century, primarily in Japan.

→ After that it was widely adopted by different businesses and organizations across the world.

⏩Refer to the below mentioned a brief history:

  • Year 1798: Eli Whitney - Developed Interchangeable Parts.
  • Year 1913: Henry Ford - Developed the Moving Assembly Line
  • Year 1798: Sakichi Toyoda - Develops 5 Whys & Mistake Proofing
  • Year 1920's: Toyota Motor Company - Toyota Motor Company Established
  • Year 1950: Dr. Deming - Introduced Lean Quality Principles
  • Year 1950's: Taiichi Ohno - Developed The Toyota Production System (TPS)

History of Lean Manufacturing

→ Toyota Production System is also known as "The Toyota Way."

Goals of Lean Production:

  • Cost Reduction
  • Creating Conditions for Improving Product Quality
  • Quality First Time Through
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Building In Quality at Each Stage
  • The Added Value of Repairs
  • Motivate all workers toward continuous improvement
  • Streamline or smooth operation flow etc...
Lean Manufacturing and Management Presentation

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Strategies of Lean Manufacturing:

  • Housekeeping
  • Make it right the first time
  • Setup time reduction
  • One-piece flow rather than the lot
  • Bottleneck elimination and line balancing
  • Skill diversification and multi-tasking workers
  • Visual management
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Fitness for use
  • Compact plant layout and product-oriented design
  • Streamlining of materials handling
  • Small group improvement activities
  • Cellular manufacturing
  • Pull system
  • Kanban system

Eight Wastes of Lean Manufacturing:

→ In manufacturing or service, waste is defined as any activity that does not add value to the product or service to the customer.

→ Originally, the Toyota Production System identified seven wastes.

→ These wastes are known as Muda.

→ Later on one more waste is added to these seven wastes and that is skill set waste.

→ This focuses on the importance of utilizing human potential.

⏩The Eight Lean Wastes (TIMWOOD) are:

  1. Transport
  2. Inventory
  3. Motion
  4. Waiting
  5. Overproduction
  6. Overprocessing
  7. Defects
  8. Skills (Unused Talent)

Eight Lean Wastes

👉 Read our detailed article on Eight Lean Wastes with Case Study.

Additional Wastes of Lean:

→ Above we have seen the eight wastes, adding to those some more wastes are also available that are mentioned below.

⏩Additional Wastes are:

→ Faulty or defective goods

→ Waste of skills

→ Under-utilizing capabilities

→ Assigning tasks without proper training

→ Underutilization of automation and systems

→ Goals and objectives are not communicated

Lean Manufacturing Principles:

→ Lean is a systematic approach to eliminating waste within a system or process.

→ It ensures good productivity and quality.

→ It was primarily derived from the Toyota Production System.

→ Toyota Production System (TPS) focuses on maximizing value for customers through efficient processes.

⏩Lean is a Culture that Focuses on:

  • Continuous Improvement
  • Open Minded Thinking
  • Challenging the Norm

⏩Five Fundamental Principles of Lean Manufacturing are:

  1. Identify Value
  2. Map Value Stream
  3. Create Flow
  4. Establish Pull
  5. Seek Performance
Five Fundamental Principles of Lean

👉 Read our detailed article on Five Lean Principles with Case Study.

Lean Manufacturing Implementation Examples:

→ Examples of lean implementation can be found in various industries such as automotive, electronics, healthcare, and even service sectors.

→ Now we will learn about the different examples of implementation of lean principles:

Example 01: Toyota Motor Corporation (Automotive)

→ Toyota Motors has invented the Toyota Production System (TPS).

→ Toyota Production System is the foundation of Lean Manufacturing.

→ It emphasizes Just-in-Time (JIT) production and continuous improvement (Kaizen).

→ Toyota uses a Kanban system to manage inventory.

→ Parts are produced or ordered only when needed, based on customer demand.

→ It minimizes excess inventory and reduces waste.

→ Employees are inspired to identify inefficiencies and suggest improvement opportunities.

→ That will create a culture of continual improvement.

→ By implementing the above principles Toyota has maintained high levels of quality, minimized production costs, and quickly fulfilled the market demands.

Example 02: Nike (Apparel and Footwear)

→ Nike has implemented Value Stream Mapping, JIT, and Flow.

→ Nike restructured its supply chain using Lean principles to reduce waste and increase efficiency.

→ They applied Value Stream Mapping to identify bottlenecks and non-value-added steps in their production process.

→ By implementing lean principles Nike significantly reduced lead times, improved inventory management, and cut costs while maintaining high product quality.

→ All the above benefits help Nike with sustainable manufacturing and improved customer satisfaction.

Example 03: Intel (Semiconductor Industry)

→ Intel has implemented Flow, Value Stream Mapping, and Kaizen.

→ Intel implemented lean principles to improve the production of semiconductors.

→ In this industry, precision and speed are critical.

→ Intel streamlined its production lines, improved equipment utilization, and applied continuous improvement to reduce defects and cycle time.

→ By implementing the above principles, Intel reduced production cycle times by over 50%, cut down waste, and improved product quality.

→ Also get benefits of faster product launches and cost savings.

Lean Manufacturing Tools:

→ There are many lean tools that are used for different purposes.

⏩Most common lean tools are:

  • 5S Methodology
  • Kaizen (Continous Improvement)
  • PDCA Problem Solving
  • Jidoka
  • Single piece flow (One Piece Flow)
  • Poka-yoke (error-proofing)
  • Pull System/Kanban (Just In Time - JIT)
  • Heijunka (leveling or balancing)
  • Takt Time
  • Andon
  • Hoshin Kanri
  • Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
  • Cellular Manufacturing
  • Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • SMART Goals
  • Key Process Indicators (KPIs)
  • Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)
  • 5 Whys | Why Why Analysis
  • Quality At Source
  • Process Standardization
  • Six Big Losses Analysis
  • Bottleneck Analysis
  • Gemba
  • VSM Study

Benefits of Lean Manufacturing:

→ Improve Quality and Visual Management

→ Increase efficiency and easy to manage any process

→ Manpower and space Optimization

→ Continuous improvement

→ Problem Elimination and on-time delivery

→ Safer Work Environment

→ Improved employee morale

→ Empowerment of employees

→ Create a more flexible and responsive production system


→ Lean Manufacturing is a highly effective methodology for improving manufacturing and service efficiency.

→ Also we can get benefits such as reducing waste and enhancing product quality.

→ Focusing on the continuous elimination of non-value-added activities promotes a culture of continuous improvement.

⏩Many businesses get different benefits by implementing lean such as:

  • Lower manufacturing costs
  • Faster production times
  • Better customer satisfaction
  • Increased flexibility to fulfill market demands

→ The success of Lean Manufacturing depends on a strong organizational and leadership commitment and a long-term business vision.


  1. Such a good explanation on lean manufacturing

  2. Please upload explanation of kaizen,MTTR and MTBF

    1. Thank you for your suggestion we will upload it soon

  3. Very good explanation keep it up bro

  4. Very Good Explanation

    1. Thank you for your valuable feedback, we will keep it up...

  5. Very good presentation keep it up....

  6. Thank you for sharing good things
    Very helpfull

  7. Create video on trouble shooting technology.

  8. Very good explanation on Lean manufacturing. Good job buddy !!

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    1. Thank you for your feedback it helps us for adding more presentation.

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    1. As of now in some article the download option is available for other we will add in future

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    1. Thanks for your input we will definitely work on this.

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    1. We are working on this It will be available very soon!!!


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