PPAP  Production Part Approval Process  Excel Templates

What is PPAP? (Production Part Approval Process):

→ PPAP is the Production Part Approval Process.
→ It is a very important tool for establishing confidence in product suppliers and their production processes."
ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016 is used to formally reduce risks prior to product or service release, in a team-oriented manner, using well-established tools and techniques.
→ Initially developed by AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) in 1993 with input from the Big 3 - Ford, Chrysler, and GM
→ AIAG’s 4th edition effective June 1, 2006, is the most recent version of the PPAP.
→ PPAP has now spread to many different industries beyond the automotive and it provides evidence that all customer design records and specification requirements are properly understood by the organization.
→ To demonstrate that the manufacturing process has the potential to produce a product that consistently meets all requirements during an actual production run at the quoted production rate.
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When is PPAP Required?

→ PPAP is required at the time of new product development
→ It is required at the time of Engineering change(s)
→ Tooling: transfer, replacement, refurbishment, or additional
→ Correction of discrepancy
→ It is required at the time of Tooling inactive > one year
→ Change to optional construction or material
→ Sub-supplier or material source change
→ Parts produced at a new or additional location

Benefits of PPAP Submission:

→ PPAP helps to maintain design integrity
→ Identifies issues early for resolution
→ Reduces warranty charges and prevents the Cost of the Poor Quality
→ Assists with managing supplier changes
→ It prevents the use of unapproved and nonconforming parts
→ Identifies suppliers that need more development
→ Improves the overall Quality of the Product & customer satisfaction

PPAP Training Presentation

What is Run at Rate in PPAP?

→ The purpose of a Run @ Rate is to verify the supplier’s manufacturing process is capable of producing components.
→ Successful  Run @ Rate means it meets Your Company's Quality Requirements, at quoted tooling capacity, for a specified period of time.
→ Verification of the Run @ Rate will be at the Supplier Quality Engineer’s (SQE) discretion.
→ The supplier will be notified of the need to perform a Run @ Rate as early in the process as possible.
→ And the number of components to be produced during the Run @ Rate should be sufficient to demonstrate process capability and will be predetermined by the Supplier Quality Engineer and the supplier.
→ The no. of components to be produced,  it may vary as per the customer's specific requirement.
→ Factors such as product complexity, shelf life, storage, cost and single shift vs. multiple shift operations will be taken into consideration

What are the 5 levels of PPAP?

→ Level 1: Production Warrant and Appearance Approval Report (if applicable)
→ Level 2: Warrant, product samples and dimensional results submitted
→ Level 3: Production Warrant, product samples & complete supporting data submitted
→ Level 4: Warrant, and other requirements as defined by the customer
→ Level 5: Production Warrant, product samples, and complete supporting data (review will be at the organization's location).

PPAP Documents with Excel Templates:

18 Documents or Elements of PPAP:

  • Design Records
  • Authorized Engineering Change Documents
  • Engineering Approval, if required
  • Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA)
  • Process Flow Diagram (PFD)
  • Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA)
  • Control Plan
  • Measurement System Analysis (MSA)
  • Dimensional Results
  • Records of Material / Performance Test Results
  • Initial Process Studies [Process Capability Study]
  • Qualified Laboratory Documentation
  • Appearance Approval Report (AAR)
  • Sample Production Parts
  • Master Sample
  • Checking Aids
  • Customer-Specific Requirements
  • Part Submission Warrant (PSW)

➨ Note: For each level, full APQP is required as per the customer's requirement. The PPAP level simply indicates which elements you submit, and which you retain at your site.

[1] Design Records or Drawing:

→ A design record is a copy of the drawing either it is given by the customer with the purchase order (PO) or developed by the supplier.
→ If the supplier is responsible for designing this is a released drawing in the supplier’s release system.
Design Record or Drawing

[2] Authorized Engineering Change Documents:

→  Authorized Engineering Change Documents is a document that shows a detailed description of the change.
→  Usually, this document is called “Engineering Change Notice (ECN)”, but it may be covered by the customer PO or any other engineering authorization.

[3] Engineering Approval, if required:

→ Engineering approval is usually the trial taken with production parts and takes an approval for production plant from the customer.
→ A “temporary deviation” is an example of engineering approval.

[4] Design Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (DFMEA):

→ A copy of the Design Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (DFMEA), reviewed and signed-off by supplier and customer.
→ Design maker is responsible for (DFMEA)

[5] Process Flow Diagram (PFD):

→ A copy of the PFD, indicating all steps and sequences of operation, including incoming components to the final part, dispatched.
It is also known as a flow chart.

Process Flow Diagram PFD

👉 Download PFD Excel Template

[6] Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA):

→ A copy of the PFMEA reviewed and signed-off by the supplier and customer.
→ The PFMEA follows the Flow Chart's steps, and indicate “what could go wrong” during the operation and assembly of each component till product dispatched.

PFMEA Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis

👉 Download PFMEA Excel Template

[7] Control Plan:

→  A copy of the Control Plan reviewed and signed-off by supplier and customer.
→  The Control Plan follows the PFMEA steps and provides more details on how the “potential issues” are checked in the incoming quality, assembly process or during inspections of finished products until the dispatched final product.

Control Plan

👉 Download Control Plan Excel Template

[8] Measurement System Analysis (MSA):

→ Measurement System Analysis (MSA) usually contains the Gage R&R Study for critical or high impact characteristics.
→ It gives confirmation that the measurement system (an instrument and appraiser) is able to measure these characteristics of the product.

Measurement System Analysis MSA Study

👉 Download  GRR Study (MSA) Excel Template

[9] Dimensional Results:

→ A list of every dimension noted on the ballooned drawing.
→ This list shows the product characteristic, specification, the measurement results, and the assessment showing if this dimension is “ok” or “not ok”.

[10] Records of Material / Performance Test Results:

→ A summary of every test performed on the part.
→ This summary is usually on a form of DVP&R (Design Verification Plan and Report), which lists each individual test when it was performed, the specification, results, and the assessment pass/fail.
→ The DVP&R shall be reviewed and signed off by both customers and suppliers.
→ In addition, this section lists all material certifications (steel, plastics, plating, etc.), as specified on the print.

[11] Initial Process Studies:

→ Usually, this section shows all Statistical Process Control (SPC) Charts affecting the most critical characteristics.
→ The intent is to demonstrate that critical processes have stable variability and that is running near the intended nominal value.
→ It is also known as the Process Capability Study.

[12] Qualified Laboratory Documentation:

→ Copy of all laboratory certifications of the laboratories that performed the tests reported.
→ Also required all calibration certificates of all Measuring instruments and Testing Equipment

[13] Appearance Approval Report (AAR):

→ A copy of the AAR (Appearance Approval Report) form signed by the customer.
→ Applicable for components affecting appearance only and required by the customer.

Appearance Approval Report

👉 Download Appearance Approval Report Excel Template

[14] Sample Production Parts:

→ A sample from the same lot of initial production run.
→ The PPAP package usually shows a picture of the sample and where it is kept.

[15] Master Sample:

→ A sample signed off by customer and supplier, that usually is used to train operators on subjective inspections.
→ After the defined interval master sample should be replaced and approved by the customer periodically.

[16] Checking Aids:

→ When there are special tools for checking parts, this section shows a picture of the tool and calibration records, including a dimensional report of the tool.

[17] Customer-Specific Requirements:

→ Each customer may have specific requirements to be included in the PPAP.
→ In general, it should be the length, width, height, weight, GSM, or any technical value depends on the product.

[18] Part Submission Warrant (PSW):

→ This is the form that summarizes the whole PPAP package.
→ This form shows the reason for submission (design change, annual revalidation, etc.) and the level of documents submitted to the customer.
→ There is a section that asks for “results meeting all drawing and specification requirements: yes/no” refers to the whole package.

Part Submission Warrant

👉 Download Part Submission Warrant Excel Template

PPAP Approval Status:

[A] Approved:
     ⇢ The part meets all the customer's requirements.
     ⇢ The supplier is authorized to ship production quantities of the part.
[B] Interim Approved:
     ⇢ Permits shipment of the part on a limited time or piece quantity basis.
[C] Rejected:
     ⇢ The part does not meet the customer's requirements.

👉 See Also:

50 تعليقات

  1. Very good and interesting material. I’m very familiar with the PPAP however the way how it is explained kept me engaged.

  2. Easy to understand, upload more documents.

  3. Your contents are really helpful. Can you provide APQP in details???

  4. How does a company assure that all supplier PPAPs are current and approved before accepting and stocking incoming product?

    1. Company need to coordinate with the supplier for approval.

  5. Very helpful and summarised knowledge, I like your way of explanation , plz soon start your YouTube channel t explore more

  6. A complete and detailed explanation of each point, also with some templates that are very helpful. Outstanding job!

  7. Want training in MSA and SPC tools ....is there any possibilities

  8. Votre site, vos engagements est excellente, je vous remercie car sûrement très utile pour mon job quotidien.
    Vous êtes géniaux !!! Thanks so much..... 💯👍🏻🎯🏆🎖️💪🏼📈💪🏼

  9. Superb explanation thanks

    18+1 - 1 is bulk material that one is missing right

  10. I think best explanation ever before i see.

    1. Thanks for your valuable feedback and we are very happy for that.

  11. Easily understanding and good learning

  12. I m lucky, to get this helpfull summeraised topic, it s very helpfull thank you very much Nikunj

  13. Thank you...very useful information I simple manner

  14. very nice presentation, very useful to every one those interest to learn thank you very much

  15. please upload brief explain in the process flow diagram and control pan

    1. It is already available you can check all our articles under sitemap option

  16. This is a very comprehensive site. It has all good information. I have learned a Lot! Thank you for sharing. Excellent!

  17. Em qual item o IMDS se enquadra no PPAP?

    1. IMDS is require for hazardous chemical safety and testing purpose.

  18. Please help to give papp form

    1. You can download form our website article or you can connect with us at: contact@nikunjbhoraniya.com

  19. Concise and crispy explaination anybody with little quality knowledge will understand about PPAP.. Thanj you NB

  20. very well explained


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